Tired from a long day at work. Currently cooking, then editing some videos and then night night I go!!!.... Hopefully! Have a great and safe Friday everyone! :)
Happy beginning of fall everyone, this is the time of the year I start disliking! The trees loose their color and it starts getting cold!!! I love the winter just HATE the snow.... Brrrr have a good day everyone!
Was doing training again today! Makes me feel like I'm in school all over again. Lol. But I guess we do what we have to in order to maintain. And I love my job therefore it really does not matter to me!!!
The beginning of a new month... This year has been by really fast. There's things I would change, others lessons learned. No matter what, if I've crumbled and have fallen down I've picked up my pieces and kept going. It's my birthday month. Can't wait for that big 21!!!! yay. Keep it strong.
When the pain ended and the last tears fell, And I got out of my living and bitter hell, I found a strength as strong as steel,
This strength I found is surely real.

I found a strength to hold onto,
To help me out,
To make it through,
This strength I found deep inside,
From this strength I will not hide.

I will carry it with me night and day,
This strength sure does have a way,
Of cheering me and making me glad,
I found the strength I one time didn’t have.
Getting ready to go to work. Up early this morning.... 0.o. Have a great day everyone!
Sitting at work on my lunch break. Just had a cup of coffee with keurig. It is delish... Have you all had any?
My college graduation ceremony is tomorrow. (even though I finished for ever ago). Glad that I can say I've accomplished something thus far and I'm still not 21!!!!! Lol it has not been easy, and many people have wanted to bring me down. But here I am standing strong, and tomorrow I'm walking across the stage as an honor student!
Happy friday everyone!!!

